/Alexandria Harvest Cup
Alexandria Harvest Cup | 9v9 & 11v11
November 19-21 | Boys & Girls Divisions
Alexandria Soccer’s is thrilled to host the 2nd annual Fall Recreational Tournament for U12-U19 teams. Teams who are U12 (6th grade) will play 9v9, and U13+ teams will play 11v11. The tournament will be played on premium turf fields around the City of Alexandria. Goal differentials of more than 5 points will not be recorded. Teams are encouraged to avoid running up scores. No Travel/Academy players are permitted to participate. Championship and Finalist teams will receive medals.
NOTE: Alexandria Soccer is returning to play this fall and is operating under guidance from the City of Alexandria and the local health department. While we are thrilled to offer our tournament series at this time we will continue to operate with the safety of participants as our number one priority.
- Maintains regular contact with local government and health officials
- Closely tracks the guidelines that the CDC, US Soccer and US Youth Soccer have publicized
- Has implemented safety standards for players, coaches, referee’s and spectators. Rules will be posted publicly online and in-person at fields.
- Will refund 100% of the registration fee if the entire tournament is cancelled due to COVID-19
Key Dates
Registration Deadline
November 1, 2021
Team Check-in Deadline
November 12, 2021

U13+ | 9v9 Harvest Cup
America's Cup Series-
Roster Size: 12 minimum, 16 maximum
Two game guaranteed
Boys & Girls Divisions
Games played on premium turf fields
Games played on 9v9 size for U12 (6th grade) and 11v11 size for U13+, lined turf fields in Alexandria
Length of Halves
– 25 minute halfs for U12-U14 (5 minute half time)
– 30 minute halfs for U15-U19 age groups (5 minute half time)
– Take place in front of teams bench rather than at the halfway line
Free Kick Rules
– Defending team must be 10 yards from the spot of the foul
– Penalty Kicks are taken from 10 yards
If issued a yellow or red card, player should state their name to referee for notes and should also be confirmed with by the coach
Please note: Travel / Academy players (from ASA or other clubs) are not permitted to participate. Tournament staff will check rosters against Virginia Youth Soccer Association’s travel database to ensure 9v9 teams are made up of Rec players only.
Documents must be completed and submitted to Cindy Lopez, Please make the subject line: “Harvest Cup Check-in.”
Documents should include:
- Team Roster (PDF format) OR Team Roster directly from your Club Representative
- Birth Certificate, Passport or State ID and a Liability Release form for each team member. (Please combine all docs into one pdf. We recommend Genius Scan) Note: If you are submitting a roster directly from your Club Rep, we do not need proof of age or Liability Waiver.
- Medical Release Form for each team member (please combine docs into one pdf)
- Each participant must sign this online waiver in order to participate.
Teams Withdrawing and Refund Policy
- Teams who withdraw prior to November 2, 2020 will be charged a $45 administrative fee.
- No refunds are given to teams withdrawing after November 2, 2020.
Inclement Weather Policy
All teams must show up ready to play at the site, regardless of weather, unless otherwise directed by the tournament director or tournament staff. Matches will be forfeited if a team does not show as scheduled. Only tournament officials or referees may cancel or postpone a match. In the case of severe weather, the referee and/or tournament director may suspend a match based on judgment.
Cancellation Policy
If the entire event/tournament weekend is cancelled by Alexandria Soccer Association for any reason, accepted teams will receive up to 50% refund of the registration fee, after all fixed costs are covered. No refunds will be given if any games are played on the tournament weekend.
Safety Policies
- Review and agree, by attending, to the safety policies
- Share the policies with your team prior to attending
- Provide plans for your team to avoid social gatherings (hotels, restaurants, etc)
- Encourage families to limit the total number of people attending
- High risk spectators are discouraged from attending
- Only bring what you will take out after (food, drink, clothes, chairs, etc.)
All players, staff and spectators should conduct an at home, self temperature check the day of every game.
Coaches & Players:
- Wear masks at all times when not actively playing soccer (kids on the bench as substitutes must wear masks).
- Arrive and depart at scheduled times (the tournament will share predetermined arrival times to better support social distancing concerns)
- No team benches allowed on sidelines
- No team tents allowed on sidelines
- No sharing water
- No sharing snacks or food
- No high-fives or handshakes
- Maintain 6 feet of distance when not participating
- 1 coach per team bench—no additional team or club staff allowed with team
- Use hand sanitizer before and after games
- Clean equipment and uniforms after games
- Maintain 6 feet of distance between spectators on sideline
- Do not linger after games, proceed to your vehicle
- Use hand sanitizer before and after games
- Use hand sanitizer before, at half time and after games
- A properly spaced pre-game coach meeting will replace
- Team equipment check
- Team roster check
- Captain’s meeting
Game schedules will provide additional time between game end and start times.
Game schedules may reduce down time between games to avoid social gatherings.
Game schedules may increase time between games to allow local teams to go home between games versus staying at the field.
Games at facilities with multiple fields will stagger game times.
- Increased signage on site
- Field marshal’s and tournament officials will monitor and enforce safety protocol’s
- Sanitation station at each field
If a player, coach, or spectator who attended an Alexandria Soccer Tournament becomes infected, please complete the form below.